Automating Agriculture

Ripe Robotics designs, builds, and operates robots that pick apples and stone fruit. Our mission is to fully automate agriculture.

We are in early commercial trials in Shepparton, Australia, and will be scaling up our fleet in 2025.

How We Operate

We don't sell or lease our machines. Instead, we charge by-the-bin for the fruit we pick, just like a human fruit picker.  

Growers only need to tell us where, when, and how much fruit to pick, and we handle the rest.

The robots gather data on everything. Soon they will be able to track fruit through the season and pick better than people.


Our Commercial Protoype

Eve is designed to pick apples, plums, peaches, and nectarines that are grown on either 2D planar or V-trellis.

Our AI analyses every piece of fruit picked for size, colour, and quality, and we're working on presenting this information in real time to the grower.

Later on, we'll use the data we gather to make the robot better. We'll expand it's capabilities to do thinning, pruning, spraying, and other tasks, and even do new science using big data never before available.

We've been able to do a lot for under US$450k raised.






Why Ripe?

The next twenty years will be the most significant in history. We expect artificial intelligence to continue to improve, eventually meeting & exceeding human capabilities, and completely transforming the world.

Today, ahead of time, we have the opportunity to influence what sort of future we will live in. Can we align AI to human goals, and use it to solve the world's problems?

The central reason for Ripe Robotics existing is to build this future well.

Our Trial Partners

Mitchell McNab
Alex Turnbull
Brent Reeve

We need to transition to robotic harvesting within five years or our U.S. based operations will not be sustainable.

Walt Dulfock


Walt Dulfock


Our Supporters

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